A better look (29 of 30)
Can I be honest with you? I sat in front of my computer screen for over 20 minutes staring blankley at this particular space on my blog. It's asking me for a description but no words are coming out. I have nothing. I can usually find something witty, or serious or sarcastic to say. But no, it's just me, staring at this bloody screen. I hear crickets. If you have any suggestions, holla at your girl.
Guess who was in Costa Mesa last night....
Last Saturday was Shirley and Brandon's wedding, and it was SOOOO fun! I love these two people and it's been so fun to watch them fall in love and get to this point in their lives.
Just another reminder that these women don't wake up looking glamours...it takes a village. I'd love to have that village every now and then..
I have just stumbled across a genius idea. Unfortunately, it's not mine. But none the less, I need to share this with anyone that wears high heels.
Today I get to do something I absolutely love to do...get my hair done! This doesn't happen very often as it's expensive but I'd say about twice a year I indulge in a little hairapy. As most of you know, I can never do the same thing twice because I get so bored with my look....so I'm still trying to decide what I want to do this afternoon.
I never realized what an inappropriate question that is until it happened to me. Over and over again at, of all places, a baby shower. It seems like an innocent enough question, and for the most part it is. Except it's usually followed by, "come on, you guys have been married for a year now, let's get a move on." Um, thanks for the pep talk. I'm working on it, ok? Thanks for reminding me that it hasn't happened yet. But it's ok, I know people that are asking are doing so from a good place. It's because they care and are interested. And how could I find fault in that?
I'm a big fan of So You Think You Can Dance and am bummed that it's over until who knows when.
I almost forgot to blog today. Matt, Shirley and I at Shane and Fi's enjoying our Friday night and it dawned on me that I had to say something. I can't fail at Jesse's 30x30 already. Especially after saying it was a weak ass challenge.
Sunday, September 2nd marked Matt and my 1st wedding anniversary. Yea us!
I can't believe how fast the time just flew by. Was that really a whole year ago? Wow! It seems like just yesterday that every minute of my day was consumed with wedding details and stressing on the time line and the music etc.
But it was so worth it. If you were at our wedding (which most of you were) you know what I'm talking about. It was a party to rememember! A beautiful night to celebrate with our family and friends....it was just the best!
Our first married year has been better than ever could have imagined. Life as Matty's wife is wonderful, blissful, fun, exciting, fufilling and all the rest of it. I found the most amazing man and even though we are totally different, we're the same person.
Blessed doesn't even begin to describe it.
I'm one lucky duck to have a man so incredible.....