Monday, January 30, 2006

Same Thing, Different Day

I love Red Robin. I'm not ashamed. I say it loud and say it proud. I LOVE RED ROBIN! Now, those of you that know me well might say "how can you LOVE them when you've only had one thing on the menu?" And to that I say, I don't think there's anything wrong with ordering the same thing every time you go to a restaurant.

Here's my reasoning. I know what's good on the menu, I know what I love and what makes my taste buds do back flips. So why would I risk getting something that's just going to leave me feeling unsatisfied? I've been going to Red Robin since I was in high school (a long time ago...) and I have never gotten anything different. Seriously. That's over 13 years of going to the same exact place and never straying from my number one pick. Ever. Every single time I go I get the same thing. So next time you go to RR, give it a shot. Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich with no pineapple and no tomato. and here's what makes it sooo good. Ask them to add onion straws. Oh, it's so good. Mmmmm...I want one right now....


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Erik said...

We seriously ARE non-sexual soul mates. I love Red Robin too. And I always get the same thing when I go there as well! (It's a different same thing from you, but it's still the same thing!) And I have fond memories of going there with the gang back in high school.

I think that every restaurant should only have one item on the menu. Like, they should change the name of Red Robin to Chicken Terioky Sandwiches and then only serve Chicken Terioky Sandwiches. (I cannot spell Terioky--that is so wrong--how do you spell it?)

You know what I mean? So no one ever has to make a choice at restaurants. I hate choices at restaurants. Just give me what you make the best, and I'll like it.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Erik, I heart you. I laughed so hard about restaurants only serving one thing and calling it that one thing. What's your one thing you get at RR? We should definitly go have lunch there soon. I know what I'm having...

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Erik said...

Teryoki burger WITH the pineapple. And I get a basket of french fries with ranch dip. And a coke.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Gina said...

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At 11:54 AM, Blogger Gina said...

oooh! I get 1000 island dressing with my fries. And a diet coke. Word!

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Erik said...

We are practically the same person! With slight variations!

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

toss out the boy/girl parts and a few feet here and there, and yeah same person.

Can RR cater game night?

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Erik said...

Oh my god, I must have MTV seared into my brain because when I read Jesse's comment I was like, "How would we get Road Rules to cater on game night?" And then I realized he was talking about Red Robin, which is, like, only the TOPIC of this post!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Gina said...

haa haa...Road Rules cater game long as they're serving Red Robin! We should all get together for dinner at go to RR (thats Red Robin, Erik.)
Jesse-let us know if you're coming down before game night.

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Red Robin. You know the Johnson, McGill, Cleavinger Clan is there ever Friday night. Sorry guys, I get a different thing every time I go. I have to mix it up a little!


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