Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Sounds like Lane Garrison is going to the slammer. Witnesses said they saw him drinking heavily that night and he was behind the wheel.

TMZ is reporting:
"Five eyewitnesses from the party tell TMZ that Garrison arrived at the party with Setian and two women, whom he had met earlier at a gas station. They say Lane brought a bottle of Grey Goose vodka to the party and unveiled the bottle to the crowd with a flourish.

The gathering was described by several attendees as a "kick back of around 30 people." The eyewitnesses, all acquaintances of Setian, say that Garrison then started taking shots of the vodka and offering shots to other partygoers.

Several eyewitnesses also said photographs were taken of Garrison consuming alcohol.

Later in the evening, when the alcohol at the party was running low, the eyewitnesses say that Garrison agreed to drive out to buy more, and took Setian and two girls with him. About four hours elapsed, they say, before they became concerned and drove out to look for Garrison, Setian and the young women.

After discovering the accident, they then drove to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where they learned that Setian had died."

What a stupid A-hole. Because he was drinking and got behind the wheel, a poor kid is dead.

I think that's what you call manslaughter.

Have fun in your new home.

And don't drop the soap.


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