Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The long and short of it

I've been thinking about cutting my hair.

I wanted to cut it a few months ago, but wanted to wait until after the wedding.

Some days I don't want to cut it.

When it's long I can put it up, wear it down and when I style it, it can look half decent.

This is an old photo of me (1993) but thats about the length of my hair now.

I cut my hair about a year ago and it was pretty short. When it was curly it was right below my ears, and when it was straight, it was just touching my shoulders.

I found that I actually had more freedom with it short and could actually do more with it.

But I did miss having long hair.

Ugh...decsions! I like having longer hair but 99% of the time I throw it up and it just sits there, on top of my head.

So I should cut it right....

But then I cant do the big bun on my head, and I will probably miss that.

And then I have to go throught the part I hate the most. Tthe in between stage.

You know, when you cut your hair, and you're stoked on it for a while, and then you're over it and you have to wait for 8 months for it to grow out. Good times.

Right now I'm 80/20 on cutting it.

At this moment, as I sit here (with my hair piled ontop of my head) I want short hair. But as soon as those scissors touch my locks, I know I will be wishing for long hair. Why can't I just make up my mind?

The way it works is I will get get a wild hair (no pun intended) and just book an appointment with my hairdresser and then just go and chop it off. Could be tomorrow. Could be next year.

I'm sure you're on the edge of your seat with anticipation.


At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gi, I say cut it!! You look so cute with short hair. It's sexy. Like Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex in the City when she had the short wavy hair! Do it!
And then you can use your hair piece whenever you want a bun on the top (Because I love that style too and would really miss it myself)!!
So do it!
I love you any way you wear your hair!

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Gina said...

Thanks for the encouragment Fi. I think I'm leaning more towards cutting it then not. It's just hair, right? It'll grow back!

Anam Cara xo

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cut it! Word to the Carrie vibe. And gurl, work tha weave when needed.

make it work Gina!

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Thanks Jesse:) You're making this decision a bit easier to make.

You coming to game night?


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